Friendship is common concept for every human. But it's really great and valuable concept for teenagers specially college students who Demonstrate this through friendship day all over the world. This is the day when we express our love for our friends, Acquaintance or associates.
The thought of Friendship Day celebration started from USA in 1935 from towards friendship day is celebrated on the first Sunday of August every year all over the world with full of fun. From my knowledge the celebration about dedicated term mostly marked in friend circles of school and colleges in India. For celebration purpose everyone acknowledge each other with Exchange of Friendship Day Gifts like flowers, greetings and wrist bands with wishing quotes on this event.
Celebration about this day really different for each one, somebody celebrate with special friends, someone celebrate with associates or colleagues. For this year celebration with company associates was really great experience for me and I really enjoy it with common celebration mode like write dedicated quotes on hand, t shirt or shirt about friend. We just marked (wrote) our names only with each other for celebration purpose. Company also supported all associates for this type event all time so it's really valuable day for me like dedicated college day.
This is the world of revolution using this term I celebrated friendship day with all friends through face book. I shared great quotes and massages about specific term with all friends on dedicated day at night. I never celebrated specific friendship day before because when I meet up my any friend it’s my friendship day always.
Because each friend is needed both for joy and sorrow......
The thought of Friendship Day celebration started from USA in 1935 from towards friendship day is celebrated on the first Sunday of August every year all over the world with full of fun. From my knowledge the celebration about dedicated term mostly marked in friend circles of school and colleges in India. For celebration purpose everyone acknowledge each other with Exchange of Friendship Day Gifts like flowers, greetings and wrist bands with wishing quotes on this event.
Celebration about this day really different for each one, somebody celebrate with special friends, someone celebrate with associates or colleagues. For this year celebration with company associates was really great experience for me and I really enjoy it with common celebration mode like write dedicated quotes on hand, t shirt or shirt about friend. We just marked (wrote) our names only with each other for celebration purpose. Company also supported all associates for this type event all time so it's really valuable day for me like dedicated college day.
This is the world of revolution using this term I celebrated friendship day with all friends through face book. I shared great quotes and massages about specific term with all friends on dedicated day at night. I never celebrated specific friendship day before because when I meet up my any friend it’s my friendship day always.
Because each friend is needed both for joy and sorrow......